Are You Ready To Become Unstoppable With Australia's Leading NLP Coaching Training?
Over just 8 days, you will experience a total transformation, let go of whats holding you back and gain high income skills for building an exciting future!
Todd Pierce presents the Exclusive
AO Mastery 8 Day NLP
Certification Training
The only NLP training in Australia that is built from real world experience, so you can experience a total transformation and become the best NLP practitioner possible, within the shortest period of time.
Live Training Begins in (TBA)
Secure Your Seat At The Next AO Mastery Certification Training
Todd teaches in a way that allows you to put everything together quickly. His offer ‘bible’ is invaluable and leaves no room for confusion.
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Todd certified me as a coach last year. I started following his system and recently did my biggest week at $27,500.
Hey it’s Todd here! Thanks for stopping by to check out our AO Mastery 8 Day Certification Training!
I don’t know what made you personally land on this page today…
- Maybe you’re stuck in a job you have no love for and want to make an exciting change…
- Perhaps you’re feeling stuck and stagnant and can’t figure out what needs to happen to give you a sense of progress and momentum again…
- Maybe you want to gain some powerful skills so that you can navigate life easier…
Whatever brought you here today, my guarantee is this:
If you join us for 8 days at our next training, you will take all areas of your life to a new level.
Just in case you landed here by accident, with no understanding of what NLP is…
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
is the study human behaviour and how to quickly make significant positive changes in our lives quickly.
Why would you want to become certified in NLP?
After a decade in this industry, I believe there are a few core reasons why you might want to do this…
Because NLP effectively gives you the owners manual to your mind, when you go through a proper training and become certified, you will be able to stop bad habits dead in their tracks, end self-sabotage and finally be able to set and achieve important goals with far less challenges.
When you learn NLP, you don’t just gain a deep understanding about yourself and why you do what you do, you also gain a deep understanding about others.
Beyond that, you learn how to effectively communicate and enforce boundaries, expectations and needs so that your needs are met and so are those of the important people in your life.
As you improve the way you’re able to communicate and perform in life, you also improve your career prospects. Some people learn NLP to get promotions or perform better in their current roles, others do it to start their very own business.
The positive impact of learning NLP and letting go of all the limitations you currently have is phenomenal, plus you gain three internationally recognised qualifications to add to your belt.
- Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Practitioner of Hypnotherapy
- Practitioner of Time Line Therapy ®
These 3 certifications, combined with my unique style of training and Get Clients Fast!™ Program, will immediately put you leagues beyond any other coach.
Though it’s not just about that, because beyond helping you build a successful business around your passion and your message…
During this training I will be helping you overcome any deep, unconscious emotional or psychological baggage – which means you essentially get a full system reboot for lack of a better term.
What makes the AO Mastery 8 Day Certification Training Unique?
I created this program to help people who want to learn NLP and Hypnotherapy for personal growth or to become professional coaches.
This training equips you with 3 internationally recognised certifications AND comes with my special business program that currently has students of mine making in excess of $27,000 per week in coaching revenue…
But I’ll tell you about that a bit later.
Over the last decade of coaching, I’ve applied NLP in many areas…
Unlike some NLP trainers who go right from their trainers training, to teaching you NLP, without really building up a solid amount of real world experience…
I left my trainings and went straight into the real world – as a coach, then as a business person.
Today I have applied NLP and hypnosis to sales, marketing, HR & recruitment, leadership development, operations, software development, board advisory, pitching large government deals and raising venture capital.
I’ve been blessed to also have been able to help people with issues ranging from addictions, PTSD, childhood trauma, to bipolar, anxiety, depression, learning difficulties and business related outcomes.
It’s this wide range of personal experiences that brings the AO Mastery 8 Day Certification Training to life and make incomparable to any other training on the market today.
And if I can make an embarrassing admission…
I didn’t even realise that what I taught was special, until I started having students from other peoples programs come to me, do my trainings and then advise me of the vast difference in quality and practicality.
So if you’ve been looking to get the edge in your career, start a new business as a coach, or just want to release yourself from your past, so you can create an amazing future…
Then I would be honoured to help you on your journey,

Right now we are doing something special for people wanting to become coaches or learn NLP to transform their lives…
We are giving away our signature growth pack to anybody who is looking to accelerate their results…
It comes with 3 things:
1) The Million Dollar Shortcut (The A to Z guide to having an amazing coaching business)
2) FREE Coaches Clarity Session – Via Phone / Zoom (Save $499)
3) The Ability To Register Your Seat At Our Next Live Training
Live Training Begins in (TBA)
MY BIG GUARANTEE: This certification training will be worth at least $50,000 to you, and if you don’t agree, I’ll hand you $500 for your trouble.
Just hit the link below, lock in your spot in the calendar at a time that works for you, and fill in the short survey about what you’re after.
Your Growth Pack will be sent to you via email, not long after you’ve completed the steps above and we will chat to you at your preferred time.
Only after personal transformation, are we truly in a position to receive more from the world, and give back- this training is a catalyst for growth!
Why would you do a training like this?
I think this is a very important question to ask yourself because if you know what you want coming into it, you take much more from the training.
The reasons previous students have done our trainings are:
- To deepen their communication and leadership skills to improve their results in business
- To get off of the hamster wheel of life and start a new career as a coach that earns great money helping others experience transformations
- To overcome past traumas, heal their hurt and move forward in life with strength and confidence
- To improve their personal and professional relationships so they have more happiness and less conflicts
As you can see, the outcomes that you can get from a training like this are wide and varied…
The one guarantee I can give, is that how you enter the training on day one, is not how you will leave the training on day eight.
You will experience significant personal transformations and leave with laser like clarity on what you want to achieve in the future, and have a game plan to make it happen.
So what is the 8 day program?
The AO Mastery 8 Day Certification Training is the only certification training that equips you with everything you need to hit the ground running as a professional coach from the moment you complete the training.
Unlike some training providers who try and rush your training and development, by cramming it into just 5 days…
We take a full 8 days to dive deep into all the intricacies and real world applications of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy®…
So you can leave with absolute confidence in your abilities.
I’ll personally walk you through:
- How to quickly eliminate negative thought patterns that make people feel like everyday is a battle, finally giving you mastery of your inner game
- The step-by-step system for completely removing 100% of a clients past emotional baggage, within just one session, and give you the experience of letting all your past baggage go too
- The 20min process for gaining complete inner alignment, which means no more inner conflicts and no more getting stuck in ‘two minds’ – just alignment and certainty
- How to change your language to immediately become hypnotic so people are influenced by you, or to become so precise that clients problems seem to disappear as you talk with them
- How to permanently remove self doubt and limiting beliefs from clients within just 60min
- The little known secret to becoming world-class at sales, without EVER feeling like a sales person, or creating awkward sales pressure when chatting to potential clients
- How to instantly create positive momentum towards your goals and the secret hypnotic hack to install them at the subconscious level and achieve them on auto-pilot
- Plus much more
What is the Get Clients Fast! ™ Program?
Get Clients Fast! ™ is the most simple system for building a $10,000 per month coaching business with zero advertising spend, complicated funnels or tech overwhelm.
I will personally help you hone in on who you want to serve, create a magnificent coaching program you feel confident delivering and then help you find you ideal client and start getting them as paid clients… fast!
Who's the AO Mastery 8 Day Certification Training for?
- People who want to become coaches, and would like to get it right first time, instead of getting stuck with frustration, trial and error…
- People who want to finally be free from they’re baggage so they can start living life on their own terms…
- Therapists & fitness professionals wanting to add a new dimension to their business…
- Small business owners who want to add coaching to their skillset or add an online product suite to their business…
- Coaches who earn less than $10,000/mth and have not been able to fix what’s broken in their business…
If you’re any of the above then this LIVE program is exactly what the doctor ordered!
Live Training Begins in (TBA)
You will create more growth and momentum in just 8 days at our NLP Practitioner Training, than some people get in a lifetime…
In person: Brisbane (TBA)
Virtual: Via zoom
- 8 full days of LIVE training (9am to 5pm)
- Comprehensive video and audio pre-study program
- Post training support and business implementation system
8 days LIVE
Total Study Time:
168 Hours (68 Hours Face to Face | 100 Hours Pre-Study/Post Study)
Here is what you get
- Full certification in NLP, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy – $4,500 retail price
- Get Clients Fast! ™ – $3,000 retail price
- 6 months of LIVE weekly coaching sessions (part of the business program) – $13,000 value
That’s $20,400 in value.
When bundled into the AO Mastery 8 Day Certification Training, your investment is just $5,990
This can be paid for upfront or put onto an affordable payment plan!
Annette’s Experience!
Jayde’s Experience!
Claudine’s Experience!
Dane’s Experience!
Sam’s Experience!
Meegan’s Experience!
About your trainer Todd
Todd Pierce is Performance Growth Strategist and he coaches with authenticity and from real world experience.
Todd has been coaching and training people for a decade to improve their lives, business & personal, and has had a number of successful businesses in that time – plus some great learnings.
- He had to rebuild his life after sitting in a prison facing 10 to 15 years for a crime he didn’t do when he was 18…
- He has run the venture capital gauntlet successfully a number of times…
- His sales business averaged $200,000 to $400,000 per week, with 80 staff working around Australia…
- He has experience in sales, marketing, HR & recruitment, leadership development, psychology & hypnotherapy, operations, software development, board advisory and capital raising.
Todd dives into a rich pool of experience when coaching & training, which can solve problems in an instant.

Live Training Begins in (TBA)